Family Update

This week we want to share a few quick updates about the family.

Katy's eye is about the same. We are still waiting for the next doctor appointment to be scheduled. All-in-all she has a great attitude, and she is trusting in the Lord for her complete healing. She's busy with the mom & tot group she started, launching an Alpha Course for St. Mark's South, and mentoring students in Carlow.

I (Blake) have been busy with a few branding and behind the scenes projects for Students for Christ (SFC) Ireland and SFC Europe as well as usual responsibilities leading the St. Mark's Church worship team.

Eden is LOVING school. He is getting so tall, never ever ever stops to take a breath, and has an amazing imagination. He has just about got going "number 1" mastered. We're still waiting on "number 2", but he is "dooing" much better. (See what I did there?)

Eli is about to crawl! His personality is coming out more and more. He's such a relaxed baby. Very chill. Now, if we could just get him to sleep at night...that would be awesome.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. Remember, you aren't just blessing Katy, myself, and the students of Ireland. You are making a tremendous difference in the lives of our boys. We can't thank you enough!