We just wanted to give you guys a quick update on what's been happening with the Alpha course in IT Carlow. Portia has been leading the group so graciously, even in the midst of intense projects and exams lately. Because of the challenges that come with two sweet babies at home, I (Katy) am only able to travel up to visit them once every other week. Portia and her two core leaders, Frank and Amanda, join me in a Bible study where we discuss the book of Romans and pray for the students who come to their group on Thursdays.
The group has experienced booming growth the past few weeks! Lately, Portia says that they have had to bring in extra chairs from other classrooms because the room is overcrowded. Students are sitting on tables just to get a spot! A couple of weeks ago, six students gave their lives to Jesus. Praise God! I wish we could add photos of the group in this post, but for the safety of those involved (some of the attending students are Muslim and may not give consent to having their picture displayed), we will leave it to your imaginations this time.
Please pray for a continued atmosphere of harmony and lively discussion. Thank you guys so much for being part of our prayer team - you are making a difference more than you know. To those of you who contribute financially, you are the reason why the group is able to provide pizza for every student in attendance (in case you're wondering, students can put away a lot of pizza!). Thank you so much. We cannot wait to see how the Lord will continue to grow and develop His people in Ireland.