History Made

Since we got to Ireland five years ago, we could sense and see God moving in the area of university ministry. We've seen ministries launched and students reached. Not just through our ministry, but through many churches and ministries around the country. God is moving.

This past weekend, history was made. The first young adult conference of it's kind, Chapel Conference, was held at St. Mark's Church (SMC) in Dublin. Over 400 young people gathered to lift up the name of Jesus and pray for their nation. This generation will not be silent. They are determined to see God move in Ireland.

Chapel is the college/young adult ministry at SMC. Five years ago, they started with six students in a small upper room. Today they have over a hundred in their weekly meeting. Katy and I have seen them grow from a small group into a movement. They are an inspiration and blessing to us and this nation.

We want to give a special shout out to Daniel and Deborah Malone, who pastor Chapel. They are amazing in ministry, in life, and in friendship. Well done guys. Keep going. This is just the beginning!