We just spent a few days with friends at Assembly of God Ireland’s annual Dream conference. It was so great hearing teaching and getting to see people from all over the nation who we only get to see a few times a year.
In one of the talks, Brian Somerville (pastor at Cornerstone City Church, Derry) spoke about keeping our confidence in Jesus. He quoted Hebrews 11:8-12, which speaks of Abraham’s faith. God promised that Abraham’s numerous descendants would inherit the vast land where he had made his home. There were so many things that could have served to shake his trust in God’s promise: he was a stranger in the land and his wife was much too old to get pregnant.
The beauty of God’s power is that He makes beautiful things out of the little we have to offer. Our trust should not be in ourselves, just as Abraham would have been crazy to trust in social connection or biology to make God’s promise a reality. Abraham waited years to see the fruit of his faith. In between receiving the initial promise and the day he saw it with his eyes, he must have been through some discouraging days…but God was still there.
God is the God of every day, even the dreary ones. He has not left us, even if we feel stuck or if it seems like the ceiling is caving in on us. To keep our confidence in Jesus, we should seek Him every day. In Psalm 84:5, it says “Blessed are those whose strength in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” We are on a journey with Jesus. Some days will be awesome and some will be a bummer. Either way, God is always worthy of our confidence.