This may seem like a non-spiritual thing, but I'm currently typing this blog at home sitting in our new conservatory (sun room). I mentioned to Katy before we began searching for a new place to live that it would be amazing to have a conservatory. She laughed as we both knew it was pretty far-fetched to expect such a luxury in the tough housing climate in Ireland.
We were blown away to find out that our new landlord decided to add a room on to our house at no cost to us. With a new baby on the way and Eden getting bigger, we knew we'd need the space. As I sit here now, I find myself getting a bit emotional. In the midst of awaiting our visa situation to be resolved, God is providing for us as a family. Things that seem silly or shallow (like a sun room), God does not ignore them. He sees our hearts and provides for us right where we are.
I am literally sitting in God's provision right now. I know that whatever comes with visa stuff or any other situation down the pike, God will provide. He will put us where He wants us. He will give us all we need, not just to survive, but to thrive as we answer His calling on our life.
Thank you for all your prayers, comments, and messages regarding our visa situation. We are still waiting to receive information. We will let you know as soon as we find out. We love and appreciate you all.