Yesterday we went to Open Arms Church in Newbridge to see our friends, Ron and Sharon, before they leave for the U.S. on Thursday. It was our last time to see them for the foreseeable future. They had visa issues too, and after several appeals were told they could not stay in Ireland. So they will be heading back to New Mexico, and we will be praying for them to quickly return.
We were so happy to see them and have a chance to catch up. As we talked with them and shared stories, here's a few things that really stuck in my head.
- As one of the pastors at Open Arms said, Irish Immigration holds no power that God didn't give them. If He wanted the Hassetts to stay in Ireland, they would be staying in Ireland.
- They feel called, committed, and commissioned to this new and unexpected direction. Their attitude is great, and their hearts are set on fulfilling whatever call God has for them.
- I want to be like Ron and Sharon when I grow up. They worked "secular" jobs until retirement. THEN they became missionaries to Ireland. Their willingness to serve God no matter their age, the cost, the position, or the detour is an example of which we should all take note.
Let's join together this week in praying for Ron and Sharon. Pray for a smooth transition, fruit in their new direction, and quick admittance back into Ireland.
Katy and I are still awaiting our visa clearance. There are good days and bad days. Talk with this couple increases our faith that no matter the result, God will be directing our path. Thank you for all your prayers and support.