We just said "see ya soon" yet again to Blake's parents last week. They were here for a fun-packed seven days. We mostly did a lot of activities geared around Eden - play places, the children's museum, etc. Eden had so much fun with his Nana and Papa! He finally had people who were happy to read him all the repetitive books on the shelf that mommy and daddy sometimes skip parts to. He was spoiled to the max and now feels the pain of not being able to stream videos on his mom's phone from his car seat. He actually has to just sit there like everybody else. Oh the humanity.
We were able to maximize the time we spent with them while they were here. It always feels so nice to be able to sit and talk face to face with family members. Skype is a great invention, but being able to make a cup of coffee for your mom and dad and actually talk with them in the flesh is priceless. We simultaneously feel sad that this is not a regular occurrence and privileged to be doing the work we do. Moreover, we are so thankful that we have family who back us up one hundred percent. We are looking forward to the next time we get to all be together. Until then, God holds us all in the palm of His hand and continues to pour out a special grace to help us feel close.
Eden at the children's museum...catching up on his fiber intake.