Two things happened to us this morning.
I'll start with the second thing. We found out this morning that our friends, who are in a very similar visa situation, were declined again. (Please take a minute now to pray for Ron and Sharon.) We are shaken for our friends, and we are now fighting anxiety about our own situation.
The first thing, as I woke up and came down for my morning coffee, I checked my Facebook messages. A university student in Dublin (Josh) had sent me an incredibly encouraging and timely note. Josh prayed for us and our visa situation earlier in the week and God dropped a verse in his mind.
"Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you." 1 Thessalonians 3:11
Observing the context of this verse, we see Paul, having just received a great report from Timothy, praying "night and day" to be able to go to the church in Thessaloniki. I read in Paul the same passion, desire, and draw that Katy and I have to stay in Ireland.
As we wait on letters from immigration, we want to echo Paul's heart and faith. God WILL clear the way for wherever He has called us to be. While we may be shaken in the flesh, we trust God in Spirit and in truth that no man, woman, or government can keep us from going where He has called us to go.
We appreciate your continued prayers during this time of uncertainty.
Amen and amen.