As most of you know, we have been praying for and traveling to IT Carlow to meet with Portia and the Alpha course she leads there. God has had his hand on her life as well as the group - so many great things have been happening over the past semester. Portia has gathered around her a group of her fellow students to help share the leadership burden for the group. For the past few weeks, they have all been meeting on Wednesday evenings to pray for the campus and the Alpha meeting the next day.
Since then, so much has been going on! Two weeks ago, they dedicated the Alpha meeting to discussing the Holy Spirit: who He is and what He means for our lives. One of the student leaders received the baptism in the Holy Spirit that night and a couple of Muslim students came and were curious about following Jesus. This answer to prayer is a long time in the making - one of those Muslim students had expressed anger towards Jesus while in conversation with me last year.
Portia has been meeting faithfully with her other co-leaders outside of the Alpha group meetings. One of her desires is that they would, in turn, begin following up with their friends who attend Alpha to help them walk closer to the Lord. One of her co-leaders has begun meeting with a Hindu student who has expressed interest in following Jesus too.
Please continue to be in prayer for this group! The college is currently on break in preparation for the big exams in May. I will continue to meet with Portia a few times until the summer. Thank you for standing with her and this group as they continue to follow the Lord.