Here are three quick updates for our family, then a few ways you can pray for us.
- I (Blake) am currently in Brussels taking a course on Biblical interpretation. This is part of a graduate program made available through Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and Continental Theological Seminary. My goal is to complete a masters degree in intercultural studies, which will be extremely valuable for our ministry.
- Katy has decided to enroll in Assembly of God Ireland's (AGI) leadership school, SALT, which stands for School of Advanced Leadership Training. Katy taking each course will help give us more insight into Irish culture. Upon completing all three trimesters (approximately one year), Katy will qualify to apply for credentials with AGI. SALT will also provide Katy with practical leadership training directly applicable to her specific ministry context.
- Eden has decided to pursue his doctorate. (just kidding) Eden is about to start walking soon (CRAZY!) so we are going to need more space than our little apartment. We're not sure exactly where, but we're praying for wisdom and favor as we move house in July.
Ways you can pray.
- Please pray we would have wisdom concerning our finances to pay for this schooling. We believe God opened this door to us, and we know He’ll provide. Our respective courses will be a tremendous help to our ministry.
- Please pray for the right house/apartment to move into as well as the right timing. It will be pretty complicated and expensive to move so we are asking God to give us a place that will work for the next five years or more.
We value and appreciate your prayers more than you know. Thank you for continued support as we (you and us) continue to pursue God’s calling in Dublin, Ireland.