We all go through seasons in life when we feel blah. We may feel purposeless, afraid, or just plain tired mentally and emotionally. I’ve definitely experienced these feelings as a new parent and a person in ministry. During times when we feel stuck, we find we have to reboot our perspective on life.
Many people attempt this through a new hobby, an organization strategy, or meditation (on scripture). These are all great things to try, but I have found that the only way I’ve ever successfully become “un-stuck” in my heart is through the peace and truth of Jesus in my life. He is my purpose and, therefore, my drive to live life to the fullest (even if life only momentarily involves wiping a little snotty nose and singing “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”).
When we need to shift our gaze from our own blah-ness to Jesus, the Holy Spirit helps us bring out what we need to...both the good and bad attributes of our lives. He breathes into us all the life we ever need. Check out this video for a perfect analogy.
When His presence fills us, our hearts have no choice but to be glad! When we choose to let Jesus sort us out, He brings out our gifts, gives us joy, and causes our bad habits to surface so that we can deal with them. Let’s let every moment - even the mundane and taxing ones - be filtered through the purpose that Jesus gives us every day.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” - Colossians 2:6