There are many times that we, as missionaries, become consumed with the vision and planning involved in our work. Like any career, our work involves a bit of strategy...our strategy is centered around bringing honor to God and caring for others. It is easy to allow our vision to become the end-all-be-all. What we must be careful of is not to forget the One who gave us that vision.
Blake and I are planners. We absolutely love to geek out together making lists and discussing our dreams for the future. Recently we’ve felt the need to further readjust our focus from our plans to The Planner. What good is it to have a dream to see people come to know Jesus if we allow ourselves to drift away from His heart? At the very least, it’s ineffective. Nobody wants to be excited about a person about whom we are not completely passionate.
We can come up with strategic, logical, and even spiritual vision, but God is already moving. Perhaps a better plan is to join in what God is already doing. At the end of the day, what God desires is our entire attention. When we fall in love with Him, we push our metaphorical boat into the water and allow His current to carry us in a direction of His choosing.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7