Our little Baby Edgmon has just started kicking here and there. It feels like he or she is trying to get comfortable...or escape! Its home is the only place it knows, but somehow it doesn’t seem like a contented little peanut.
We are the same way. We feel restless at times in our season of life. If kicking and punching would get God’s attention, we’d do it. We cannot see where we are going in life, but all we know is we want to get there soon.
A tiny unborn baby is certainly not ready to leave the safety of its current environment yet. As with Baby E, we have a heavenly Father who realizes our desires but keeps us contained for a time. When the conditions are right, He releases us to move into the next phase of life. His timing is impeccable. It is best for us to follow His lead and be patient. As soon as God knows we’re ready, we’ll move on to the next exciting phase in life.
We are certainly bursting with excitement to meet our little kicking machine in person (future Mia Hamm or David Beckham?). Let’s enjoy where we are...because we can only go forward from here!