One of the most impactful statements ever made to me was "great talents cast big shadows."
I don't consider myself great by any means. But as a worship leader and pastor in the ministry, I realized I was casting shadows over students who wanted to grow and participate in the role of leading worship. I knew I had to shift my priority from 'leadership' to discipleship.
I am temporary on this earth and so is my ministry. I am here for a season and was never meant to carry these things forever. As I am a part of something bigger than myself, I must think of others above myself. Even ESPECIALLY AS a leader in the ministry I must always have in mind, "who will I train to take my spot?"
Jesus could have moved faster and ministered more effectively if he would have ditched the 12 guys following him everywhere He went. But Jesus knew the secret weapons of His ministry were those disciples He invested His life into. The secret to a ministry that will reach 10 generations is discipleship.
So I ask you church member...I ask you pastor...evangelist, prophet, teacher, missionary, doctor, lawyer, plumber, student...
Who are you discipling?
Who are you training, raising up, investing in? Are you creating space for someone else to do what you do? (They'll probably end up doing it better.)
My vision is not THE vision. God's vision trumps mine, and His vision is discipleship.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." Matthew 28:19