5 Myths of University Ministry and the Local Church

  1. Reaching university students will grow your church quickly.
  2. University students will work really hard for our church.
  3. University ministry is too much cost for too little results.
  4. The best place for our Christian college students to attend is a Bible college.
  5. If university students don't come to my church, we're not reaching them.

Many youth pastors teach their students to be missionaries to their friends. Unfortunately, many times this mentality changes as they graduate on college. We've got to believe in our students and their call to "go unto all the world" as teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc.

Fear plays a large part in these myths. We must trust that the God who saves us from sin is big enough to keep our students in His hand as they "go and make disciples of all nations."

I believe the best thing for the university students AND the local church is for the church to invest into the students' ministry. Teaching them to reach their peers will produce marketplace Christians in the local church armed not only with a degree, but with a passion and ability to relate to their peers in the secular world.

Our primary focus can't just be about growing our ministry today. We have to think bigger than ourselves and see how we can touch the lives of the future leaders of our communities, cities, and nations. We can reach 10 generations instead of one!

In the short-term, it will cost more than you gain. But with patience, long-term vision, and trust in biblical discipleship, we can literally impact a city and nation by reaching, training, and releasing university students.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We are blessed to have such a great team committed to reaching Ireland through university students.
