My (Katy’s) mom has been here for about one month. During that time, she has cooked many meals, done heaps of laundry, and taken care of us in so many other ways. There are so many of our friends here who have grown to love her, too! She has so much life experience and wisdom to share. I now realize that, although she came here to see us, she left having blessed so many others with kind words and great conversations.
It’s so hard to be away from family for such long stretches of time. Blake’s parents are visiting in November. That will be 8 months since we’ve seen them last! It was incredibly hard to see my mom go past security to get on the plane. Part of me feels a bit of bitterness that we have to sacrifice time with our families. I am quickly reminded, however, of how much it is worth it! My mom would be the first person to say that. She would say that if just one student comes to know Jesus because of our being here, it is all worth it.
It was so wonderful having my mom here! The separation will be difficult, but I believe that the Lord will bless all of us. He created us with a need for family connection and closeness...He understands that this is hard for everyone. We are excited for great times with family in the future and for the ways that ministering in Ireland will enrich all of our lives.
The pictures below are of some fun things we did together, like visit London, go to King John’s Castle (with my brother, James), and pick strawberries!