On the campus of Carlow Institute of Technology, there is a fresh move of God beginning to grow. Our friend Portia, a student there, has started a course called Alpha. It is designed to facilitate discussion about Jesus with people who are curious about faith as well as help explain the gospel message.
The class has become a huge hit! There are sometimes 20 or so people there each week...they may come for the pizza but leave with priceless knowledge.
I met with Portia last week and she seemed to be feeling a mixture of encouragement and discouragement. On the one hand, there are so many people coming who are genuinely interested in learning more...but she feels a bit overwhelmed with the number of people needing follow-up.
Here is what to pray for her:
- Pray that she will be able to find other Christians on campus who are willing to put in the time to befriend the Alpha attendees.
- Pray for encouragement and energy for her - she's alone in most of her efforts and needs encouragement to keep going.
- Pray for financial blessing for the group - they have recently run out of funds for the weekly pizza and Portia has been trusting in The Lord for provision each week.
Thanks for being alongside us as well as the students here...you are on campus with us as we work together. We're all part of the team!
Have a great week!!