Katy and I have had the privilege to work alongside Daniel & Deborah Malone, the youth and college pastors at St. Mark's Church in Dublin. When we arrived to Dublin they had just started Chapel Group, St. Marks' university ministry. They met in a small room in the top of the church with approximately a dozen students. Connecting with the Malones and the students of Chapel Group has been an incredible blessing to us.
Not only have we found friendships and encouragement, but we've also have the privilege of watching them grow and develop as individuals and as a community of believers committed to reaching their university. We are honoured to walk alongside these amazing people and see lives transformed through relationships and discipleship.
Here's a few highlights from the past couple weeks at Chapel Group.
- They held a pizza party night where Chapel Group students brought their friends. 120 students attended.
- E-Groups (small groups) were launched. The first group had two non-Christians attend.
- Last week a student committed her life to Christ.
The Chapel Group at St. Mark's are just one church and ministry in Ireland committed to connecting uni students to Christ. It's exciting for us to highlight them in this weeks blog, and even more exciting to work with them on a weekly basis. Well done Daniel, Deborah, and students of Chapel Group!
Through your prayers and support, you are participating in what God is doing in Dublin. We are all making a difference in the lives of Irish students by doing our part. Thanks you!
Blake and Daniel Malone