Well, it’s been an interesting start to 2022, but we remain hopeful.
Katy was meant to lead a Zoe staff retreat recently, but as soon as they arrived the power mysteriously went out. They’ve rescheduled for May, but that was so disappointing! The very next day there was buzz in the news speaking out against non-governmental crisis pregnancy organisations. That’s never fun to hear, even if it’s not directly about Zoe. The very next morning we got more questions from the Charity Regulator here in Ireland! We thought we had answered these particular questions, but apparently we have not. Our solicitor (lawyer) is drafting up a letter in response based on statements and informations provided by Katy and the Zoe board.
Not exactly how we’d hoped to kick off the new year, but we are still seeing great things come out of these situations. The team has rallied around Katy in love and unity to deal with these situations. We are hopefully that, while more questions come, we are nearing the end of the charity status journey.
We’re praying Psalm 27 over us and you. Hope you have a great week ahead. Thank you for all your prayers and support. More updates coming soon!