After our big trip to the U.S. this past Autumn, then returning to the typical Christmas madness and a home full of chaos and boxes...we decided to start the New Year by resting. I can think of no greater way to declare our priorities for the coming year than by taking some much-needed family time.
Although we have all been passing around a bit of sickness, we have enjoyed the time to think, pray, and enjoy each other's company. Eden is back on a stable routine, which helps battle sickness (and bad behaviour).
In the coming weeks we will be posting more about our vision and goals for the year. But for now, we will build a foundation of rest, prayer, and trust in the what the Lord will be bringing.
We thank you for your prayers and support coming in to 2016. We would also like to pray for you and your upcoming year. Feel free to comment or email us with your prayer requests. We are all on this team together and, above all things, must be unified in prayer.
God bless you and your family in the coming year.