Here are 5 things that happened in 2015. Its a year-in-review if you will...
- Portia's Alpha group at IT Carlow became a recognized student group on campus. Katy connects with Portia every week, helping her reach students on her campus.
- We feel that we have clarified vision and direction for 2016 regarding Students for Christ Dublin. While we are still very much in the early stages, we are excited to walk through open doors and see God-given momentum begin to build.
- In July 2015 we had a miscarriage. We had never been through that kind of loss in our lives. It was incredibly difficult, but God held us every step of the way.
- We recently completed a successful support raising trip to the U.S. We are able to do what we do through generous giving and prayers of individuals, churches, and businesses in the U.S. God provided, as He always does, and we were able to raise the funds needed to continue ministry for the next few years.
- We are happy to announce that we are pregnant again! We were a little anxious at first given our recent miscarriage, but this baby is looking perfectly healthy and we can't wait to meet our new child in June 2016.
Thank you all for your consistency, not only financially, but in your prayers. Prayers pave the way for the road God leads us down. Your financial givings allows us to take advantage of opportunities that come our way on this journey.
Together we are making a difference in Ireland. We can't wait to see what God will bring in 2016!