I (Blake) spent the past six days in Belgium at Continental Theological Seminary. I took a course in the history of world Christianity, which was brilliantly taught by Dr. Charles Self. I am pursuing a masters degree in Intercultural Studies. This will be (and has already been) a tremendous help to us and our ministry in Ireland. Honestly, I can't imagine the troubles we would have run into without even just the first few courses.
While the course was the primary reason for the trip, I got some much-needed quality with SFC Europe colleagues. I got great advice and encouragement for life, marriage, and ministry. It's always a pleasure to spend time with our SFC Family, but I'm so glad to be back in Ireland.
Right now we are in Carlow for AGI's DREAM Conference. I have the privilege of leading worship with some of our St. Mark's Church worship team. More updates next week!
Thanks for all your prayers and support. Happy Easter!!!