Quick family update. This past week sickness came into the Edgmon household. I (Blake) was lucky enough to walk away unscathed. Katy and Eden, however, were not so lucky. Katy had some crazy head congestion (the congestion was crazy, not her head). Eden's version was a bit more intense.
Poor Eden, Thursday through Saturday was a festival various bodily evacuations, sleeping, not eating, not sleeping, eating grapes, not eating grapes, constant discomfort, and many more wonderful things. Don't worry, it was never anything super crazy, just enough to really throw him out of whack. While he's still working on eating more and gaining strength, praise God he has some energy back and his wonderful glow.
Please be in prayer for both Eden and Katy to heal completely. I'm in Brussels for the week and Katy definitely does not need a sick kid on her hands right now. I miss them so much. It's hard to be away and even harder when things aren't going great.
Thanks for all your prayers. We're so honoured to be on this team with you. We don't just pray for the mission God has before us, but we pray for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Praise God for community.