We should always be ready to see past a person's anger to the hurt that hides behind it.
I (Katy) visit a small college near Dublin to help a student group there every week. They happen to have a few Muslim students who come every week out of curiosity. This past week, the Christians in the group got into a heated debate with the Muslim students. One of the girls arguing for Islam came over to me (after I told them that I hate debates) and started asking me questions about Mary and telling me I should think it was silly that God could magically impregnate her.
I immediately felt the need to deflect the situation. I said, "Yeah, it does seem really crazy, right? All I can tell you is that I believe it." The tension definitely lowered after that! Then, I started asking her about herself. It turns out that she's a lovely person and is curious about what we talk about at these Christian meetings. I told her that she was the only person who could choose what she believes - no one can do it for her or force her to change her mind.
She is planning on coming back to next week's meeting. I cannot reveal her name, but would you guys please join me in praying for her? She needs Jesus to speak to her and to give her courage to explore His truth. She doesn't need another debate or more angry dialogue. She needs the love of Christ, as we all do. Please also pray for our female student leader there on the campus as she meets with this girl on the day-to-day level.