Ok, we do periodic prayer lists on here, but this week (and for a few weeks actually) we need you to pray about one thing. Our visa.
In Ireland, the "stamp 3" religious visa is renewed every year and you may only be issued three total. This year we will be applying for number four. Now, this is not a crisis situation, and we are praying that it doesn't become one. There is a process by which to attain further religious visas.
The first step is to send off a large packet of documents containing many this, but particularly information stating we are funded from the U.S., we are fully insured for health from the U.S., we are not a burden on the Irish system (welfare), and a letter from AG Ireland confirming the info mentioned as well as stating that they require our volunteer services. Last week we sent this large packet off to the Department of Justice and await a letter stating that we are approved to apply for a fourth visa. Everything after that should be fairly simple...assuming they approve.
Please pray with us. Most of our friends in this situation have been approved, but we heard recently of one being denied and sent home. We need favor with the Department of Justice, we need continued favour in the years for this annual process, and please pray we would be comforted no confident that God will provide. We know he will hear our prayers and His provision is on the way.
Thank you for all you prayers no support. We are in this together!