I ran across this video the other day. I don't know much about these people, but I resonated with the message.
The basic idea is that Sunday is not the only day we worship. In fact, only some are pastors or missionaries, but most people go to their job in the marketplace on Monday morning. Work is worship. That is their mission field. That is where most of their ministry will take place.
It is amazing to see a young person inspired to fulfill God's call on their life as a teacher, doctor, lawyer, business person, entrepreneur, etc. Every once in a while one of our students responds to a call to vocational ministry. We celebrate and pour into their lives, but no more than someone called by God to the marketplace.
We are here to see university students impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, sending them out from the university into the marketplace. We want them to be empowered, equipped, and committed to reach their family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.
Pastors & missionaries: I challenge you to give as much applause and investment into the the one called to the marketplace as you give to the one called to vocational ministry.
Marketplace workers: I hope you feel encouraged. You have the unique opportunity to reach people that a pastor or missionary will never be able to reach. Don't wait until Sunday morning. Live your life of worship at work, day in and day out. Your work is your worship.