We are nearing the time when our first child is due to be born (this Saturday, to be precise). We’ve gotten the house ready: all of the baby clothes are washed and organized, all of the sheets washed, pacifiers sterilized, and all the little baby things purchased in preparation for his arrival. In other words, we’re as prepared as we can physically be for anything this child can throw at us. I am reminded of the movie “Home Alone” when Kevin has the house armed and ready for the arrival of the robbers.
While this kid is certainly not a robber or anything less than someone we totally love, this has felt a little bit like preparing for someone to “storm the castle.” We have no idea what to expect with raising a child and definitely feel intimidated! I guess the feeling we have to make our physical environment ready is an indicator of our need to be emotionally and mentally prepared as well.
However, no matter how many burp cloths we have or rash cream tubes we stockpile we will always be needing something that physical preparation simply will not satisfy. The only One who knows our baby more than we do is Jesus...he has written his DNA and knows exactly what he needs from us. As we enter this brand new phase of life, our ultimate comfort will come from staying close to Jesus.
We are feeling confident in Him as we wait on the arrival of our little one and our shared life together. For now, like Kevin, let’s bow our heads and pray as we enjoy the moment...and some mac n cheese. That sounds so good right now.