I'm sure by now, most have seen our Facebook and Twitter posts about our little boy who was born Friday, July 12, 2013. Eden James Edgmon came into this world at 7.25 lbs. and 50 cm. head to toe. He's healthy, happy, and finally home.
I would like to share with you the story behind his names, which were chosen because they are family names that held special meaning to us.
James comes from Katy's brother and was also the middle name of her father, who died in a car accident when she was 4. James was also the name of her great-grandfather. The name James is of Hebrew origin meaning "one who supplants" or one who fills someone's shoes.
Eden comes from my (Blake's) great-great-grandfather, Eden Gooding Nelson, who was a full-blooded Choctaw Indian circuit preacher in southeast Oklahoma. I've been told by my great aunt, E.G. Nelson's granddaughter, that he was a tough man who refused to be pushed around. The name Eden is also of Hebrew origin, meaning "place of pleasure."
While the meanings of the names weren't as important as the familial significance, we do pray that Eden will grow to be a man who will follow in the footsteps of those before him, filling their shoes, ushering in the Kingdom of God. We pray the Holy Spirit will use Eden everywhere he goes to bring a presence of happiness and joy.
Thank you so much for all your congratulatory comments, and most all, your prayers. We are beginning a crazy, scary, and exciting journey as parents and we're blessed to have you on our support team encouraging us along the way.