Thank You St. Mark's Church

This is Blake writing to you today. You may or may not have realized, but since August Katy has been writing all the blogs. She's a brilliant and gifted writer and did an amazing job.

Today I come back to you and feel led to remind you all…God's timing is perfect. Always is, always will be. When Katy and I moved to Dublin in May, we immediately began attending St. Mark's Church. It's a wonderful body of believers committed to serving one another and reaching their community.

A month or two earlier their worship leader, Kim Taylor, left for maternity leave. As we entered into our new home church the pastor, Sean Mullarkey, asked if I would step in as interim worship leader while Kim was away to help cover these duties. It was such a privilege and an honor to be able to serve our new church family. In the free time from beginning our university ministry, I was able to do what I love so much…leading worship.

Kim is officially back! She led worship Sunday morning and it was like she never left. The Spirit of God was active. She led and sang brilliantly. With her return I thank God for the relationships built through this journey, the opportunity to lead in the Irish context, and simply for the privilege to lead our new church family in worship.

I am excited now to continue our ministry on the campuses of Dublin and to see what God has in store for the future. We have some very exciting news coming your way soon regarding doors opening in many different areas. We will continue to pour our hearts and lives into the students of Dublin. Everything we do in Dublin from now on will be shaped by our time as interim worship leader of St. Mark's. 

Thank you St. Mark's Church.


Kim Taylor leading worship. It's like she never left!