SFC Planning Meeting

What can I say? We are planners. It’s a good thing that the rest of the Students for Christ community likes to plan as much as we do! We just spent the past few days in Grenoble, France with fellow SFC staff from all over Europe to plan the Connect 2014 conference that will be held in July.

It was a great time of fellowship, prayer, and hard work. We spent many hours planning non-stop but took little breaks here and there to stuff our faces with cheese and pastries. Now that the dust has settled and we’re back home (and vowing to eat only vegetables for a week), we are looking back on the blessing it has been to know the awesome people of SFC Europe for nearly two years now.

We have grown so much in our spiritual lives and are continually amazed at the love and welcome we have received from our friends in SFC. It is truly exciting to think of all the great things in store for Connect this year! We know the students who attend will absolutely love it and come away encouraged and inspired.

Thanks to those in charge for allowing us to be a part of this amazing team.
