Those That Have Gone Before Us

Last week I posted a blog, "Religion Dead in Europe?" The leader of the Assemblies of God, Ireland (AGI) posted a comment that I must share with you. Gary Davidson is an amazing leader, discipler, pastor, mentor, and friend. He and his wife, Wilma, have spent over 30 years giving their lives to the people of Ireland. I want you to read his comments, hear his heart, and be moved by his response.


"It is photos like the above that continue to 'break my heart' after 31 years of ministry in the Emerald Isle. Near where one of our thriving congregations is a lovely church building that has become a mosque [pictured above: built in the 1860's this was formerly a Presbyterian church]...yet we have also been privileged to see three former 'abandoned' church buildings reopened and now house thriving congregations. Yesterday I ministered in one of them...St. Mark's...two morning services that were full with the second with standing room! People were saved and filled with the Spirit and we prayed for two hours with hungry souls. Old wells being reopened...Alleluia!!!"

In May of 1980, Gary and Wilma Davidson left their home in Oklahoma and moved to Dublin, Ireland, where they still minister today. They have planted churches, they have seen hundreds of individuals respond to Christ, discipled pastors, and are currently leading the entire AGI movement. Gary and Wilma truly are heroes of the faith. They are world-changers and Kingdom-builders to the core of their souls. God has done and continues to do amazing things through Gary and Wilma.

Gary and Wilma were instrumental in Katy's and my decision to move to Ireland. Our endeavors in seeing a student ministry raised up in colleges in Dublin will be in partnership with the first church Gary and Wilma planted, St. Mark's Church, now one of the largest congregations in the Republic of Ireland. You can see Gary standing in front of St. Mark's Church in the picture below.

We are standing on the foundation they have established through the national church. We will be reaching students, because they chose to reach the nation of Ireland. I am thankful for those that have gone before us. To change a nation, generation after generation must be committed to building The Kingdom.

ST.Mark's Gary.JPG