I want to let you know how you can join our team of supporters. We have a team of prayers and givers all participating in reaching college students in Ireland. Katy and I firmly believe that when you give and you pray you are actively participating in the thing closest to God's heart...missions.
PRAY - It may sound cliché but THE most important thing you can do for Katy and I is to pray. It takes a team of committed and consistent intercessors to complete the team God has called to reach Ireland. To be on the prayer team simply keep up with our blog, facebook, and/or twitterso you can know how to pray. One example of our prayer team coming through happened recently. Katy's eye has been acting up in relation to her M.S. We had a few members of our prayer team interceding and her eye was completely healed! Prayer works!
GIVE - In order to leave for Ireland we are required to raise a cash budget as well as a budget for reoccurring monthly giving. I wrote a blog a while back about a young man who gave us$11.25. I encourage you to go back and read it. God simply wants our hearts. We are to give sacrificially of what we have to see His glory made known.
If you would like to partner with us with a monthly faith promise, click here. If you would like to donate a special gift, click here. We are currently at 75% of our cash budget and 55% of our monthly budget.
Thank you so much for following our blog. I invite you to join our team of supporters, if you haven't already. You can play a part in what God is doing in Ireland.