This blog is not meant to be all about happiness and sunshine. I want it to be real. This post is to share one of the difficulties we face and how we are overcoming it.
We find ourselves feeling very bipolar at times traveling and speaking to thousands of people from so many different different backgrounds. The task of altering our presentation and expectations 3-4 times per week (sometimes more) is emotionally and spiritually draining. We work hard to not let cultural differences get in the way of people hearing God's heart for missions and his calling to join our team.
I was speaking with a pastor who shared about some difficulties he’s had at his church. He felt the Lord speaking to Him: "adjust, adapt, and thrive." This resonated with me.
- Adapt: to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly
- Adjust: to change so that it fits, corresponds, or conforms; accommodate
- Thrive: to grow or develop vigorously; flourish
This may seem overly simplistic, but it's not. There is a powerful lesson that can apply wherever you're at in life. Here's an example from our perspective as missionaries moving to Dublin.
First, we adapt our lifestyle. We learn how to live in Ireland.. Next, we begin to adjust ourselves...or change. We become Irish. We learn to think, speak, act, and do ministry the Irish way. We are not called to take American culture to Ireland. We are called to take Jesus to Ireland (Jesus isn't American...shh, don't tell anyone). Finally, when we've adapted to our surroundings and adjusted ourselves to their needs and expectations...we will begin to thrive.
I encourage you to do two things in response to this post.
- Apply this to an area of your life past, present or future thinking through what this process would look like practically for you. I bet God will do some talking.
- Please pray for me and Katy. We will experience this process in a life altering way once we arrive Ireland.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We could not do this without you. We are a community...a team. We are grateful for you.