Over the past year or two in Ireland I’ve had various opportunities to teach about worship. Most recently I spoke at a youth retreat for St. Mark’s Church. I'd like to share a thought with you that we talked about this weekend.
“When we see the Lord of hosts ‘high and lifted up,’ ponder his infinite wisdom and knowledge, wonder at his unfathomable mercy and love, we cannot help but move into doxology.” Richard Foster - Celebration of Discipline
Doxology means: a liturgical formula of praise to God
For some, liturgy can seem like a bad word. In reality, all churches have liturgy. Even the churches with the most “freedom” in worship…they have a liturgy as well. At our church here in Dublin (which is pentecostal), our typical liturgy goes like this.
- Every Sunday someone begins by welcoming everyone saying a prayer and/or reading a scripture
- We sing about four songs
- We pray for people
- We take communion
- We say the announcements
- We sing one more song
- Someone preaches a sermon
- We have a response time
- We share tea, coffee, & conversation
- Then we go home.
This is our pattern of worship. This is our liturgy.
The point is this…“We can use all the right techniques and methods, we can have the best possible liturgy, but we have not worshipped the Lord until Spirit touches spirit.” Richard Foster - Celebration of Discipline
When we worship God when we're alone, when we come together with other believers to worship, and even when we’re out in “the world” doing everyday things, all it takes is our spirit connecting to God’s Spirit for worship to take place. Let’s worship in everything we do. I pray I can live a life full of worship.