- 25,000+ miles driven
- 150+ church services
- 150+ meetings
- 60+ blog posts
- 13 months of itineration
- 5 scary moments of over-caffienation
- 2 nights sick in a hotel room
- 1 rotten egg (hotel food)
100% of our budget is raised!! We leave on March 16th!!
Thank you to everyone who has given and prayed. It's been an incredibly long journey with many extreme ups and downs. However where God guides, He provides! We have the greatest team of supporters on earth, and we're so humbled to partner with you in the vision God has for the college students in Dublin, Ireland.
What's next?
- March 9th: our stuff begins the journey to Ireland by way of container ship
- March 11th: we will attend our home church (The Bridge AG in Mustang) for our final Sunday in the US
- March 14th: I will lead worship at The Bridge "Drive" service in the main sanctuary. You are welcome to attend.
- March 16th: we leave for Ireland (one-way flight :-)
- March 17th: St. Patrick's Day and our first day in Ireland!!
Over the next 3 weeks we will make time to be at locations for you to come and hang with us. Come & go style. Watch on twitter & facebook for details. We want to see you before we leave!!
**Although we are at 100% of our budget, support raising never ends. Monthly support always has some attrition and the cash budget is always chipping away. If you would like to give or join our monthly support team, don't hesitate! We want you on our team. We are partnering to see God do great things in Ireland!