“I am so happy that Zoe Community helped me. I can’t believe how much love I feel for this baby already. I am glad I made the decision to stay pregnant.”
Katy and I just received this message from one of our team members. As a professional therapist who sees women who need help in crisis pregnancy, she is constantly promoting our team and resources to help these women. The quote above (along with her ultrasound) was one woman’s recent feedback.
Even before we are truly live as a fully recognized Irish charity organisation, we are already making a difference in the lives of many women. This is our “why”. Not only have we helped a woman keep her baby, but that woman feels empowered to make these crucial life decisions. She knows she’s not alone.
This is possible directly because of your prayers and giving. This is Zoe Community’s “why”. This is your “why”. This is OUR “why”. Together, we’re making a difference. Thank you.