We’ve repeated a phrase many many times in Zoe Community. We aren’t political, we’re practical. We don’t get into the debates. We don’t attend protests or rallies. There is a time and place for those things, so we aren’t against them. However, our primary goal is to preserve and protect the potential future relationships with women in crisis, regardless of their political or religious background. Years ago we realised there is a silent majority within Irish Christian circles who want to help women in crisis pregnancy practically and not get stuck in the political trenches.
Katy had a wonderful opportunity to help young leaders within the pro-life movement of Ireland to see a new way of helping women in these situations. She shared the practical help that Zoe does, the heart behind what we do, and how they can play a part in making a woman’s life better in the midst of chaos and fear.
We’re so grateful that Zoe Community helps all kinds of people, whether they’re on the sidelines or deep in politics, to put action to their drive to help women in crisis. The talking can be important, but at the end of the day there are women who need help. Zoe Community exists to be that practical help.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Together we’re putting legs on the Gospel as we train and empower those committed to make a difference.