This is a big week for us regarding charity status. As many of you know, we’re not three years into our journey applying for charity status. In these three years, we've had friends and partner organisations fly through the process comparatively. It's been a painful waiting period. Waiting and waiting is always tough.
Our lawyer informed us last week of his suspicions that someone inside the charity regulator’s office is hostile to what we are trying to do. They seem to be dragging their feet (more than normal).
This week our lawyer will be approaching them to push for a decision. This could go one of two ways.
They may reluctantly agree with a few final stipulations. This is the best case scenario.
They may deny us, in which case we would proceed to appeal their decision. A very large percentage of charities who appeal end up with a favorable decision. However, it’s still not the ideal way we would like to receive our approval.
Please be in prayer this week. I’m not sure if we’ll have any news immediately as they usually take at least a month to reply to any emails or communications. We will keep you posted.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. We’re believing God for an open door!