I’m sure many of you clicked on this hoping for an announcement of charity status approval. Sorry, not yet. We’re still optimistically waiting and praying…BUT I do have some great news…
We’re doing a Zoe Conference in Ireland! This will be a women’s conference designed to bring the women of this nation together to pray together, worship together, and be inspired together. We want them to know there is hope for them, their families, and their communities.
Here’s the story…flying to Pennsylvania last September to spend time with our amazing partners at Summit Church, Katy and I asked Kim if she would mentor and help us in putting on our conference (Kim and her husband Mel are the pastors of Summit).
Why Kim? Other than her being amazing and that she has a powerful testimony. Her life values/mission line up so perfectly with Zoe. She has also run a conference for many years now with 1,000+ women in attendance and powerful testimonies each year.
With Kim and her amazing Summit Church team and many other people pitching in alongside us, we believe God is going to do something powerful in the lives of women across this nation. We will build these women up, raise awareness about Zoe Community, and develop trust with the local churches all around Ireland. The theme will be “She is…Back” as we welcome these ladies back from a long absence of Christian gatherings thanks to covid restrictions.
We are announcing to you, our faithful prayer and support team, because we need your prayers. We are praying to secure a venue within the next three weeks. Please pray with us as this will be the first of many steps in creating something very special and unique for the women of Ireland.
Thank you!!