My parents had a great time coming to visit us. They also were able to plan a few days running around together in England! We’re so grateful for time together as a family.
Please be in prayer for me (Blake) as I make a trip to Oklahoma this week. I’ll be there for 12 days meeting pastors and business owners to raise money for Zoe Community. We have some VERY big things coming in the next year that I cannot wait to share with you. As usual, the bigger the opportunity, the greater the cost. But God is our provider, and I’m so thankful for everyone of you who partner with us through praying and giving.
One of the unique aspects of our ministry as missionaries is we have not taken a typical furlough since we moved to Ireland over 10 years ago. That is completely due to the Lord’s faithfulness through consistent and committed partnerships with people like you. Your prayers and giving have allowed Katy and I to focus fully on maximizing opportunities for ten years straight. Thank you so much!
As Zoe grows, more partners are needed to see this vision become reality. Please pray for open doors and new partners to join our team as I travel to share the vision of Zoe Community.