The other day I, Katy, painted one of the walls in our Shankill office. It’s a nice soothing blue accent now against an otherwise stark white room. Opposite the blue wall we have big windows overlooking trees, so it really feels especially calming now.
You know, painting a wall on full display by the sunlight reminds me of us trying to paint over the flaws in our hearts without trusting Jesus. Yeah, I’ve googled stuff and watched Karate Kid…I can paint a wall. But no matter how careful I am, with this wall exposed to the light of day, there’s no way I can get it perfect. But if I hired someone who knows what they’re doing, that’s a different story.
Jesus is like the master painter for our hearts. He sees all, covers all, and loves us through it all. Anyway, that’s my spiritual rambling for this week. Thank you so much for your prayers and support! Back to paint the second coat now.