As you may have read in last week’s update, Katy had an important zoom meeting with the Charities Regulator office. This is the Irish government body that determines whether an organization can become an officially recognized non-profit. We have been on a two year journey with them, and we were hoping this would be our moment of approval.
It was not.
However, we did receive what we believe are their final questions and concerns as well as a potential solution to each. So these past few days have been all about writing policies & procedures, gathering documents, and praying that this will satisfy their requirements. At the end of each month the Charities Regulator team meet to approve applicants.
Please pray that we will be among those discussed and approved at this meeting. Please pray for us to have peace and rest, knowing that God is in control. And please pray for the women in crisis who need an organization like Zoe to help them through the toughest moments of their lives.
We are full of faith that we will be able to give you great news about Zoe’s charity status in the coming weeks. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. Together we’re a team that won’t give up until God’s vision is a reality!