Since Covid hit, we have been busier than ever. Most of the busyness is due to Zoe Community, however there is one other factor. Blake has been helping with our church, Open Arms Church. They have two campuses (Newbridge and Dublin) and used the covid craziness as an opportunity to launch an online campus. I (Blake) helped to build and run a studio they built in their Newbridge location.
The picture above is me playing a drum beat on our latest and final recording session for the year. We have recorded over 60 songs since March! It’s been so fun to have this outlet of creativity and to help our local church extend their reach into Ireland and beyond.
We’re prepping now for our US trip coming soon. Please be in prayer for favour as we need to raise a good amount of money in order to come back at the end of February. Katy is also in crunch time this week as she has over 20 potential Zoe Community volunteers gathering on Zoom this Saturday for the next training course. Please pray it goes smoothly and fruitfully!
Thank you for all your prayers and support! We’re in this together!