Happy Monday everyone!
Thank you for your patience in the delayed update. Yesterday was a bank holiday here in Ireland, so we took a much needed family day. We played hide and seek, we kicked the football (soccer ball), we went for a walked, and we watched a movie. It was a great peaceful day!
Here’s a few things we’ll be talking about in more detail soon. Please be in prayer with us about these topics.
We will be doing a monthly support push in the next few weeks. We need to raise approximately $2,000 in monthly support by January. Please pray the God would connect us with the right new team members who share a heart for what God wants to do through Zoe Community.
We will be finalizing details regarding our support raising trip in December. Please pray we have wisdom and divine opportunities as we believe God to provide financially.
Please pray for our kids and favour with their schools as we plan our trip to the states.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We’re so grateful for you all. We’re in this together!