Hi everyone! We hope you’re having a great start to the week.
This past weekend, we had our very first Zoe Community Volunteer Training! It took place over zoom, and it was a huge success! Here are three takeaways from this weekend…
We have amazing volunteers! We are amazed at how God handpicked these people from across Ireland to be there. We are so blessed by His provision.
As the training day was going on, people started to pick up on the concepts we discussed. We realised that once we are granted charity status and are allowed to officially begin, we will be a well-oiled machine. Zoe Community will be such an effective and important support for women.
One theme kept coming up throughout the day, over and over again. Through our case studies and discussions, we understand better than ever how human tendency is to jump five steps into the future, trying to find a solution to people’s problems. Most people in crisis don’t need someone to fix it in that initial moment of seeking help. What they really need is a listening ear who will sit in the uncomfortableness alongside, giving them space to process and to breathe.
We’re so thankful for you. You were in that digital Zoom room as we took another crucial step forward in helping women in crisis all across Ireland. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We’re in this together!