Our boys both have summer birthdays. Eli turned 2 on June 14th, and Eden turns 5 on July 12th. I'm so proud of these boys and who they are becoming. I know it's just the beginning of their lives, but I'm overwhelmed daily with joy and love in them.
I can't express how much I've learned about God our Father from being a father myself. I'm often reminded of the lyrics of Reckless Love when thinking of my little dudes.
"No shadow You won't light up, mountain You won't climb up coming after me. No wall You won't kick down, lie You won't tear down coming after me."
If I feel that way so intensely about my two sons, how much more does God feel that about you and me? It's a humbling realisation and a life-changing revelation. I pray today you feel His love for you...the love that will ALWAYS get to you when you need it most.
Happy birthday boys. I love you more than life...Daddy.