Now for the finer details. We are screaming. We keep pinching ourselves! We got the letters in a few days ago. Here’s what we got: approval for Irish Stamp 4 visas (the normal, hassle-free kind to renew) for three years.
It’s been frustrating to go through this. Even more frustrating still, that this news came when it was too late for us to book a trip stateside or to go to our yearly SFC conference in Germany. Eden starts school on the 29th of August. That’s not enough time to justify spending the money for a journey stateside. When we come over, we want to be able to really spend time with people!
I (Katy) was just talking to my mom the other day (who is in Malawi on a short missions trip herself) and she reminded me that so many key things would not have taken place had we been in the States right now. It’s so good to have the support and encouragement from our families.
This situation has shown us that, no matter what our situation, we can know that God understands and will carry us through. Although frustration and longing take place with all of us, we know that the future ahead is full of purpose.