Irish citizens are voting today in probably one of the most intense referendums of recent history. There is an article in their constitution that gives equal right to life for both an unborn child and its mother. Today, if they vote "No," the constitution stays as it is. If they vote "Yes," that article will be removed and replaced with permission for the government to legislate anything they want regarding the termination of pregnancy.
Recently, the government has made public their proposed legislation (which is not final, of course, but they have made no statements suggesting that their minds have changed). The proposed bill would legalize abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. It would also allow for abortion up to 24 weeks (viability) if the mother's mental health is at risk. The lack of limiting language would leave such mental health grounds subject to interpretation. Like in many states in the U.S., the reason could then range anywhere from psychosis to stress.
Many people have advocated for a "Yes" vote because around 5,000 women per year travel to England to have abortions. They would prefer them to be able to be cared for here in Ireland. There are also a number of women who buy abortion pills over the internet and take them here without medical supervision. Theoretically, the government could give a woman 14 years in prison if she is discovered taking the pills. Those advocating for a "No" vote are pleading with their fellow citizens to consider that, although those previous facts are horrible, the fallout from abortion on demand would be far greater.
Death and destruction are never in the will of God. What we are asking you guys is this: please stop what you are doing and pray for the people of Ireland. There are many people still undecided. Most importantly, please pray that the Irish Church will show the love of Jesus to people who are hurting. Thanks for lifting up the nation of Ireland with us!