We had a great time with our first big Influence conference this year. We were co-sponsors alongside Agape Ireland (affiliated with Campus Crusade in the USA), Alpha Ireland and Christian Union. We had approximately 25 attendees (a few people came one day or the other). We had a bunch of interesting topics, including "Your Faith Is Not A China Teacup" (illustrating the fact that we should not hide in the Christian bubble) and "Relational Evangelism." We had roundtable discussions, worship time, and lots of amazing food.
There was a girl named Shannon, who brought her friend with her on the first night. Her friend was not a Christian. She had a profound experience with God and said that she genuinely wanted to know more about Him and try coming to church soon. Shannon said that this was the perfect event she could have taken her friend. We are praising God that he spoke to her heart.
We are so thankful for all of the students who came and for the campus workers who put in so much time and effort to make this conference a reality. A huge thank-you, as well, goes out to our wonderful kitchen team. They kept us fed and happy for two days with utterly amazing grub.
We are also so thankful for people around the world who have been praying for this past week and will continue to pray for the growth that will come from it.
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18