LEGO Building

I sat in a coffee shop today helping Eden make something out of legos. We followed the instructions waiting to see what the final product would look like. As we put piece by piece together, over and over Eden would ask, "Why does that piece go there Daddy?" I would answer each time, "I don't know. Let's keep building and see." I felt like God was showing me something.

We go through life dealing with various ups and downs, highs and lows, mountains and valleys. We find ourselves asking God why things happen or why certain pieces are put in certain places. Sometimes it's simply impossible to understand the finished product in the middle of construction. Sometimes it's impossible to comprehend why the road twists and turns on this journey through life. 

We must continue building. We must continue walking. Because someday, even if we don't understand why, we will experience the good that God will bring from each and every situation. If we do not press onward, we will never see the promises God has given come true in our lives. God has a plan and purpose for us, which can only be found by walking the journey of life.

So hang in there. Hold on tight to God, His presence, and His Word.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. I pray you are all trusting in the ONE who created us all.